10 septembris, 2007

25 Ways To Distinguish Yourself

1. Care as if it's your own
2. Do your daily work with passion
3. Build strong relationships
4. Dream Big
5. Set the right expectations
6. Ask for help
7. Celebrate small victories
8. Set higher standarts
9. Know your values
10. Pursue right memberships
11. Help people help themselves
12. Be a reader
13. Plan by outcomes
14. Think long-term
15. Embrace uncertainty with ease
16. Ask the right questions
17. Engage with a coach
18. Be relevant
19. Get back on your feet fast
20. Leed a volunteer effort
21. Balance innovation and continious improvement
22. Learn to sell
23. Learn systems thinking
24. Walk away from free
25. Influence the influencers

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