06 februāris, 2008

Ko runā zīmes? Tepat līdzās....

Šo zīmi lepni nes McDonalds maisiņš..... slepens vēstījums, nezināms,bet ietekmējošs...tas ir tepat blakus. Kas tas...sakritība vai speciāli...Salutē sātanisti ? NWO?

This gesture is the satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of satanism or other unholy groups. It is also called the Il Cornuto. In other "circles," whether displayed as a hand gesture or worn as an amulet, it is supposed to ward off evil (the evil eye) as are the hamsa hand (three finger - two thumbed hand), the eye-in-hand (eye in the palm), and the mano fico ('mano' meaning hand and 'fico' meaning woman's genitals).

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