13 augusts, 2008


... (pronounced "cool") is an Irish name that means wisdom. And the team seems to be bringing that wisdom to the daunting task of improving search. Cuil

Kā jau pēdējā laikā ierasts - daudz lasu par sociālo tīklu lietām un visām ar tām saistītām. Apbrīnoju šo projekta dibinātāju apņēmību pacīkstēties ar lielo tanti google. Nosaukums gan,šķiet, nnav īpaši mēlei tīkams. Nedaudz vajadzēja skanīgāku un vienādi rakstāmu un vienādi izrunājamu. Bet cilvēki jau noteikti zin ko dara. Un drīz noteikti vajadzēs arī pelnīt. Vai CuilWords, CuilTalk? Hmm,paskatīsimies.

"These are search people who are not building a product they want to sell quickly. They are not about trying to make a lot of money in a short period of time. They are building what they believe is the next-generation search engine," Greg Sterling said. "Its success or failure over time will depend on how relevant the search results are, how easy it is to use and how useful it is to people."

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